Monday, April 19, 2010

Christmas in April?

Can you believe that the discussion for Christmas Projects has begun? Yes, Christmas is only seven months away. On customer has begun making hats for a Christmas Bazaar. I just got Mother's Day figured out and that is three weeks away. I decided to do my Mother a doily in pink and that is what is being showed in the picture, the beginning of a pineapple one.
Along with finishing income tax, I also finished two more hats that I had on needles.

I got a plan on my baby afghan which is needed by July, so check back shortly to see what is planned there. Yes, I have also begun planning for Christmas as there is still stockings needed and ? and ?. I also have another prayer shawl in the planning stage. I know some give up knitting or crocheting in the summer, but in here it is year around. Have i made you think about your Christmas giving?